- December 16, 2023« Document produced through the National French Network on rare cardiac diseases (Filière nationale CARDIOGEN) and thanks to the National…
- October 4, 2023
- August 1, 2023The lamin A/C gene mutation, a change deep within our genetic code, carries a profound impact on heart health, presenting…
- June 15, 2023
- June 1, 2023Submit your LMNA mutation | Action for LMNA | Free webinar | And more Submit your LMNA mutation | Action…
- June 1, 2023Submit your LMNA mutation | Action for LMNA | Free webinar | And more can be found in this LMNA…
- May 1, 2023Free webinar | Action for LMNA | 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies 2023 | LMNA medical provider information | LMNA…
- April 1, 2023LMNA Lifestyle questionnaire | Living with Congenital Heart Disease (webinar) | 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies 2023 | LMNA medical…
- March 31, 2023
- February 22, 2023Please send your responses to the questions below, via email to info@lmna-cardiac.local.We suggest that you copy the questions, paste them and…